Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Fabulous French Flea Markets

I am about to return to France and am really looking forward to going to the flea markets.  It's Springtime so for me that means more brocantes, flea markets and vide greniers.

The Fabulous French Flea Markets

I start my day with the usual croissant and cafe creme and then I am good to go. I try to go to as many brocantes as I can on Sunday which is the day most of them are open.

I start at the Porte de Vanves flea market and have a few things in mind to get there. Different flea markets are known for different things.  This one has tons of silver, dishes and small things for the home.

L'ile sur la Sorgue is better at the furniture.  It is gorgeous and if you are looking for some piece in particular, there is a strong possibility they will have it.

Here are a few things I got from recent brocantes in Southwest France. You can click on the link and get more information about any of the items listed here.  Of course there are hundreds more on the web and
I would love for you to check it out.


If you have any questions about the flea markets in France, please be in touch and I will help you all I can.  Or, you can go to and find out where there is a flea market near you in France.

Happy Shopping!!!!

A Bientôt